Modest Movement

Elevating Your Fitness, Without Compromising Your Modesty

Our Services

At Modest Movement, we offer a range of online fitness classes to help you achieve your fitness goals from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re looking to tone up, lose weight, or simply improve your overall health and well-being, we’ve got you covered. Our classes are designed to be inclusive and accessible to women of all fitness levels.

1-to-1 coaching


Personalised Nutritional Plans


What Sets Us Apart

Faith-Centred Approach

Our fitness programs are designed with a focus on promoting physical well-being while respecting Islamic principles. We integrate elements of mindfulness, gratitude, and spirituality into our workouts.

Female-Only Environment

We understand the importance of privacy and comfort. That’s why the modesty movement is exclusively for women, creating a supportive and judgment-free space where you can focus on your fitness goals without distraction.


Our team of experienced and certified female instructors is dedicated to guiding you through effective and enjoyable workouts. Each instructor is not only knowledgeable in fitness but also culturally sensitive and understanding of the unique needs of Muslim women.

What We Offer

Diverse Workouts

From high-energy cardio sessions to calming yoga, our academy offers a variety of workouts to cater to different fitness preferences and levels.

Nutritional Guidance

Achieving your fitness goals goes hand in hand with a balanced diet. Our nutrition experts guide healthy eating habits, ensuring you nourish your body in a way that aligns with your values.

Community Support

Join a community of like-minded women who share similar fitness aspirations. Our academy is a place to build friendships, share successes, and motivate each other along the way.

Success Stories

“I have been training with The Modest Movement for 6 months and I have already seen amazing results. I feel stronger, healthier, and more confident than ever before. It’s exactly the type of motivation needed!”


“The Modest Movement has helped me achieve my fitness goals in a safe and inclusive environment away from non-mahram. Sami is knowledgeable and fun, and her enthusiasm is reflected in her support.”


“I love the online classes offered by The Modest Movement. They are convenient and accessible, and I can combine them with my every activity considering I’m a mother of 4.”
